Fall is here, my lovelies! As you return to your work and school routines, let the gorgeous “wash and go” be a reliable weapon in your beauty arsenal. But beware, this hairstyle’s name is deceiving – especially for ladies with naturally coily hair. So yeah, it may take time to master this glorious look depending on your hair’s length and texture, but it can showcase your curls beautifully with patience and the right haircare tools.
Our Evolve® Flow-Thru Detangler is the first line of defense in the battle to tame your tresses. With its flexible detangling bristles and rows that separate for an easy glide, this brush will ensure your wash day goes off without a hitch. The Flow-Thru Detangler is designed for all hair types and lengths and is perfect for wet or dry hair! Use the Evolve Flow-Thru Detangler brush to have your curls poppin’!